I Could Do That!: Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote

Linda Arms White
Nancy Carpenter
2005 by Melanie Kroupa Books
Biography, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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Full of humor and spunk—just like Esther!
"I could do that", says six-year-old Esther as she watches her mother making tea. Start her own business at the age of nineteen? Why, she could do that, too. But one thing Esther and other women could NOT do was vote. Only men could do that.
With lively text and humorous illustrations as full of spirit as Esther herself, this striking picture book biography shows how one girl's gumption propels her through a life filled with challenges until, in 1869, she wins the vote for women in Wyoming Territory—the first time ever in the United States!
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Two Esther Morris Picture Books
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
I Could Do That: Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote by Linda Arms White begins with Morris as a child growing up in New York and wanting to learn to do everything anyone else can do. She learns a skill and starts a business.
I Could Do That!: Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote
A fictionalized biography of woman suffrage pioneer Esther Morris introduces her to readers at the age of six...
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