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When Melody Austin goes out into the woods, she can enjoy the beauty of the trees and the shimmer of her beloved lake, but she can’t hear the birds singing, nor can she tell her parents what she has seen. For Melody is deaf, and she cannot utter an intelligible word. One day she discovers that a stranger, a young Irish boy, is hiding in the woods near the lake she often visits. Upon meeting him, she is both intrigued and perplexed, for she must face the question of what to do about him and the horse he has stolen.

From the dust jacket
Elizabeth Yates

Elizabeth Yates

1905 - 2001
Devotion to pencil and typewriter runs like a theme through this . . . autobiography. The often discouraging and seemingly endless apprenticeship fi... See more

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The Good and the Beautiful Book List

Hue & Cry
This is a sequel to Patterns on the Wall, but it works great as a stand-alone. The story includes an appropriate, purely wholesome love story that may be...

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Kirkus Reviews

Hue and Cry
The nobility of love and nature are again at the heart of a new novel by a well-established women's writer. The young...

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