Home is in Between

Mitali Perkins
Lavanya Naidu
2021 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fiction, Picture Books, World Cultures
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Shanti and her family left the warm monsoon rains of India and immigrated to the United States.
Their new apartment feels like their old village: Ma cooking luchi, funny stories in Bangla, and Baba's big laugh. But outside, everything is different: trick-or-treating, ballet class, and books in English.
Back and forth, Shanti moves between her two worlds. She remembers her village while learning her new town. She watches Bollywood films with family and Hollywood movies with friends. She is Indian. She is also American. But where in the world is home?
In this joyful picture book, National Book Award nominee Mitali Perkins and illustrator Lavanya Naidu illuminate the experience of navigating cultures with sparkling humor and great heart.
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Home is in Between
The book will appeal particularly to children and families navigating this space between cultures.
Home is in Between
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
This story about immigrant children having to volley back and forth...
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