Holding the Fort with Daniel Boone

Enid Lamonte Meadowcroft
Lloyd Coe
1958 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Fiction, Historical Fiction
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When the Boone children heard that the Declaration of Independence had been signed, they were as happy as all the other settlers in Boonesborough, Kentucky. But Daniel Boone, their father, said that danger as well as freedom lay ahead. War against England meant the beginning of big Indian trouble, for the British were bribing the Indians to fight on their side.
Many of the settlers voted to leave Kentucky immediately for safer spots. But Daniel Boone and his family decided to stay and defend their home in the wilderness. The Boone children were to have many chances to prove their courage before the year was out.
There was much to fear, yet there were good times, too, after the hard work of readying the fort. Then one day Daniel Boone rode away to the salt springs at Blue Licks and disappeared with thirty of his men. The future of the little band left in Boonesborough seemed very bleak indeed.
Mrs. Meadowcroft's many books have won high praise from enthusiastic readers. Once again she has written a stirring story, based on authentic incidents, in which a likeable family comes to life.
From the dust jacket
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