"Hi, Mister Robin!"

Alvin Tresselt
Complete Authored Works
Roger Duvoisin
Complete Authored Works
1950 by Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co, Inc
Fiction, Nature, Picture Books
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The little boy was tired of winter and longing for spring, but it seemed that spring would never come. The grass was brown, the ground was frozen and the bare trees whistled in an icy wind. But Mister Robin wasn't fooled, he knew that spring was on the way and he helped the little boy discover all the hidden signs.
Like WHITE SNOW BRIGHT SNOW this companion volume reveals the miracle that takes place each year when a new season appears on the earth. But in this book, instead of the white world of winter, Alvis Tresselt and Roger Duvoisin have created the new green world of spring.
From the dust jacket
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