Henny Penny (Adaptation)

Chicken Little (Henny Penny)
Paul Galdone
Paul Galdone
1968 by Seabury Press
Fiction, Folk Tales, Picture Books
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"Goodness gracious me, the sky is falling! I must go and tell the King!"
Henny Penny's cry of alarm has delighted generations of nursery age children, and it will bring fresh delight in this colorful new interpretation by a favorite illustrator.
Like the simple, cumulative text, Paul Galdone's pictures are clear and direct. They find their humor not in broad caricature, but in subtle exaggeration of the actual appearance and traits of barnyard fowl—a bonus for small children who may never have seen a live hen, rooster, duck, goose or turkey.
As in the earliest versions of the tale, Henny Penny and her credulous friends meet a sad fate at the hands of wily Foxy Loxy. But Mr. Galdone has a final surprise for the reader that reveals a more sympathetic side to Foxy Loxy—the one character in the story who knows better than to believe Henny Penny.
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Henny Penny
Reprinted in 2013 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Available formats: Hardcover, Paperback
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