Hattie Big Sky

Kirby Larson
2006 by Delacorte Press
Fiction, Historical Fiction
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Vida, Montana, 1918
For most of her life, sixteen-year-old Hattie Brooks has been shuttled from one distant relative to another. Tired of being Hattie Here-and-There, she summons the courage to leave Iowa and move all by herself to Vida, Montana, to prove up on her late uncle's homestead claim. "At least now my letters will be more interesting," she writes to her good friend, Charlie, who is fighting the Kaiser in France.
Under the big sky, Hattie braves hard weather, hard times, a cantankerous cow, and her own hopeless hand at the cookstove. Her quest to make a home is championed by new neighbors Perilee Mueller, her German husband, and their children. For the first time in her life, Hattie feels part of a family, finding strength to stand up against Traft Martin's schemes to buy her out and against increasing pressure to be a "loyal" American at a time when anything—or anyone—German is suspect. Despite daily trials, Hattie continues to work her uncle's claim until an unforeseen tragedy causes her to search her soul for the real meaning of home.
Lovingly stitched together from Kirby Larson's own family history and the sights, sounds, and scents of homesteading life, this young pioneer's story celebrates the true spirit of independence.
From the dust jacket
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Hattie Big Sky
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
I have a lovely patron who is a voracious reader. She has read and re-read so many excellent books. At sixteen, a student in a classical school, and being raised in a faithful Catholic home, she is looking for books that are new to her, exciting, well-written, and morally on point. She reads quickly and well, and therefore is stretching me in how I can best keep her fed on goodness.
Hattie Big Sky
Reviewed by Janie Cheaney
Hattie Big Sky draws upon the experience of the author’s own grandmother to create this enthralling story of hard-won optimism and frontier grit...
Hattie Big Sky
Sixteen-year-old Hattie Brooks has stayed with a number of distant relatives in the years since her parents died...
Hattie Big Sky
Reviewed by Kate Pavao
Parents need to know that Newbery Honor novel Hattie Big Sky is about a teenage orphan who moves to Montana after inheriting her uncle's homestead claim. The book gives readers a good sense of what life was like during World War I....