Hans Brinker (Adaptation)

Mary Mapes Dodge
Laurel Long
Bruce Coville
2007 by Dial Books for Young Readers
Fiction, Picture Books
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Hans Brinker and his sister, Gretel, long to compete in the upcoming skating race. The prize is a pair of silver skates, one for the boys and one for the girls. But ever since their father was terribly injured years ago, their family has been so poor that their skates are made of wood—not at all fit for racing. Still, when Hans does earn a little bit of money, he doesn't use it for himself but instead offers it to a doctor who might be able to help his father. And with this selfless gesture, a miraculous series of events is set in motion.
Masterfully adapted from the classic novel by Mary Mapes Dodge, this is a heartwarming tale of a family sticking together through hardship, and of wishes granted just in the nick of time. It is the best kind of fairy tale, and readers will be riveted by the drama and enchanted by the beauty of the images. For holiday sharing or anytime, this is a book to cherish.
From the dust jacket
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