Gulliver's Adventures in Lilliput (Adaptation)

Jonathan Swift
Gennady Spirin
Ann Keay Beneduce
1993 by Philomel Books
Classic Literature, Fiction, Picture Books
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A classic tale of fantasy, humour, and high adventure, retold for younger readers and newly illustrated by a modern master
The year is 1699, and young Lemuel Gulliver has set sail for the faraway South Pacific, hoping for adventure. But he could never have imagined anything so strange as what actually happens...
Cast onto an island when his ship sinks in a tropical storm, Gulliver finds himself in the land of Lilliput, where the people are no taller than his middle finger. As he explores this miniature world, Gulliver finds its tiny inhabitants to be astonishingly like those of his own homeland - friendly, intelligent, and peace-loving, or foolish, warlike, and treacherous. When Lilliput is in danger of attack, Gulliver singlehandedly captures a whole fleet of enemy warships. Yet he soon finds himself unfairly accused of treason, and in real danger.
When Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels was first published in 1726, it was an instant success as a witty political satire for adults. Since then, politics have changed, but many generations of readers, both young and old, have continued to be fascinated by its imaginative fantasy and humour.
Now, award-winning artist Gennady Spirin's magnificent illustrations and deftly condensed story offer a spellbinding introduction for younger readers to one of the enduring classics of English literature.
From the dust jacket
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