Gracias: The Thanksgiving Turkey

Joy Cowley
Joe Cepeda
1996 by Scholastic Press
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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When Papá sends a turkey to Miguel to fatten up for Thanksgiving, Abuelo, Abuela, and Tia Rosa shake their heads at what they guess will happen next. Soon enough, the turkey becomes Miguel's dearest friend, and they go everywhere together. One day, Gracias even follows Miguel to Mass! But as Thanksgiving approaches, Miguel is worried. Will Papá, a trucker, make it home for the holiday? How will Miguel keep his new amiga Gracias off the dinner table?
This heartwarming story about a Puerto Rican family will inspire any reader to give thanks for family, friendship, and community. Joy Cowley's touching narrative, interspersed with Spanish, and Joe Cepeda's colorful, humorous illustrations capture the warmth and vitality of a close-knit neighborhood.
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