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Long, long ago, a boy lies confined by sickness to his windowless bedchambers. He can never experience the outside world, never breathe fresh air or feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, so his doting father summons a painter to embellish his rooms with beautiful murals.

The artist sets to work, and soon there is a fabulous world on the walls, a colorful, shifting landscape peopled by shepherds and lovers, criss-crossed by armies and pirate ships. As the boy's health fades, the artist paints on, turning the simple commission into a generous labor of love. Can he show this child the richness and beauty of the world—and of life itself—with nothing but paints and brushes?

Glowrushes is a heartbreakingly beautiful classic of Italian children's literature.

From the publisher
Roberto Piumini

Roberto Piumini

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Glowrushes Reprint

Reprinted in 2023 by NYRB Kids
Available formats: Paperback
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Kirkus Reviews

An elegy, timeless and entrancing...

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