Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message

Chief Jake Swamp
Erwin Printup, Jr.
1995 by Lee & Low Books
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To be a human being is an honor, and we offer thanksgiving for all the gifts of life.
Mohawk parents have traditionally taught their children to start each day by giving thanks to Mother Earth. Known as the Thanksgiving Address, this Native American good morning message is based on the belief that the natural world is a precious and rare gift. The whole universe— from the moon and the stars to the tiniest blade of grass— is addressed as one great family.
Chief Jake Swamp of the Mohawk Nation is internationally renowned as a founder of the Tree of Peace Society, he has adapted this tribute to the Earth and her inhabitants especially for readers of all ages.
Chief Swamp’s inspirational message, along with painter Erwin Printup, Jr.’s unforgettable landscapes, make Giving Thanks a timeless celebration of the beauty and spirit of the environment.
From the dust jacket
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