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In a far-away country lived three brothers who had sharper eyes and could see better and farther than anyone else in the world. The king invited them to join the royal guards, who wore bright red uniforms, shiny black boots, and high-plumed hats.

The king announced a contest. "My guards have the brightest eyes in the world," said he. "If anyone can succeed in fooling all three of them, he will win a gleaming golden medal set with shimmering, shining diamonds."

From all over, people began flocking to the palace. One lady even looked so real, dressed up as a stick of peppermint candy, that two children tried to lick her! But none could fool the new guards, and they became serious and proud, which made little Gillespie very sad, as they had once been his friends, and had smiled and played with him.

James Daugherty's wonderful pictures help make an exciting story of what happened when Gillespie tried to change things.

From the dust jacket

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Benjamin Elkin

Benjamin Elkin

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James Daugherty

James Daugherty

1889 - 1974
James Daugherty is well known for his illustrations of tall tales and is thoroughly versed in American folklore, with which his grandfather captivat... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

Gillespie and The Guards
After The Loudest Noise in the World, Gillespie is beginning to grow on us. He is not at fault this time, and, put out with...

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