Flicka, Ricka, Dicka Go To Market

Maj Lindman
Maj Lindman
1958 by Albert Whitman and Company
Fiction, Picture Books
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka Books
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The beloved little Swedish girls have a new adventure in growing a vegetable garden.
Timidly at first, they take their greens to market. New friends are made there and customers come back each week.
The goal is a real one, too. They must earn the money for bicycles which they need to attend their distant school.
By the time school opens, each girl is riding a bicycle! But this is after hard work and a surprising adventure with Folly, the gentle mare.
Beautiful four color pictures by the author really tell the story. Here is easy reading at its best.
From the dust jacket
Flicka, Ricka, Dicka Go to Market
Reprinted in 2012 by Albert Whitman and Company
Available formats: Hardcover, Ebook
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