Fiona's Lace

Patricia Polacco
Patricia Polacco
2014 by Paula Wiseman Books
Fiction, Picture Books
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Many years ago Patrcia Polacco's great-great-grandmother Fiona lived in a small village not far from Limerick, Ireland. There, Fiona's taught Fiona the fine art of lace making. The running stitch, the half stitch, the lace stitch, Fiona learned them all. Times were hard in Ireland, and when the mill closed, the family bid Ireland good-bye for a better life in America.
In their new home in America, Fiona passed the time making lace, yards and yards of lace. Fiona soon became known far and wide for her fine lace. But no one knew that Fiona's beautiful lace would not only help her family support themselves but also save her and her sister, Ailish, in a way none of them could ever have imagined.
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