
Sophie Blackall
Sophie Blackall
2022 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Fiction, Picture Books
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Over a hill, at the end of a road, by a glittering stream that twists and turns, stands a house, with twelve children who eat and sleep and work and play, who get into trouble, and argue and dream, who milk the cows and fish in the stream—a farmhouse where they are growing up, waiting to see what the future might bring.
Join two-time Caldecott Medalist Sophie Blackall on an enchanting visit to a farmhouse across time, to a place that echoes with stories.
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A lovely, tender reimagining of people in a long-past time and place...
Picture Books about Houses
Reviewed by Janie
“Over a hill, at the end of a road, by a glittering stream that twists and turns, stands a house . . .”
Thus begins one very long sentence that twists and turns through the history of a single family with twelve children that occupies a two-story white frame house in the country...
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