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Widely recognized as the most influential woman of her time, Eleanor Roosevelt began life as—by her own account—an "ugly duckling," the timid and lonely child of unhappy parents. She was serious and reserved, not beautiful and bubbly like other society women. She was expected to devote herself strictly to the traditional roles of wife and mother, and to her husband Franklin's political career.

But Eleanor proved herself to be unusual, able to defy conventions and exceed expectations. As First Lady, she went beyond the long-established position of White House hostess to act as FDR's eyes and ears, traveling extensively to gather information and represent her husband in places he, wheelchair-bound, could not go. Mrs. Roosevelt became a passionate advocate for the weak and disadvantaged in American society. After her husband's death in 1945, she continued her activities on a global scale, serving as an American delegate to the United Nations, where her work on behalf of human rights earned her the title "First Lady of the World."

Eleanor Roosevelt's accomplishments reveal the extraordinary courage, warmth, and dignity she found within herself to meet any challenge—"to live widely and fully." Newbery Medalist Russell Freedman, well known for his eloquent biographies, offers here an intriguing and inspiring portrait of one of the twentieth century's most outstanding citizens.

From the dust jacket

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Russell Freedman

Russell Freedman

1929 - 2018
Russell Freedman is well known for his riveting biographies and masterful accounts of the history of the United States. One of the most honored writ... See more

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