Drummer Boy

Loren Long
Loren Long
2008 by Philomel Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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In a wintry little town, a toy drummer boy appears mysteriously on a child's doorstep. The child loves the little drummer boy, and the drummer boy loves the child, giving the child the only gift he can. He plays his drum: boom pum pum boom pum.
But when he accidentally falls into the trash, the drummer boy is sent on a scary and snowy journey! Even so, as he is carried and flown and almost buried in snow, the little drummer boy still gives the gift he can to a rat and a snowman and the nighttime stars: boom pum pum boom pum.
In this enchanting, original story, Loren Long brings stunningly to life a new little drummer boy at whose heart is the true and giving spirit of Christmas.
From the dust jacket
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