Down Buttermilk Lane

Barbara Mitchell
John Sandford
1993 by Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co, Inc
Fiction, Picture Books, World Cultures
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Clip-clop-clip-clop down Buttermilk Lane. Mam and Dat, Rachel, Becky, and Jacob are off in their buggy. Past fields of rustling cornstalks, past spinning windmills and lines of flapping britches, to the general store, its porch piled high with pumpkins; down the street to choose a pattern for Lyddie's wedding quilt; then on to the Farmers Market to say hello to Aunt Hazel.
Clip-clop-clip-clop to Dawdi's, for Mammi's chicken potpie, slaw and red beet eggs, a pitcher of cold apple cider. Soon will come time for milking. So, slowly —clip...clop...clip...clop —past Ebersol Chair Shop, the rockers bright with flowers; past Mr. Fisher's walnut tree dropping its heavy fruit. Up Buttermilk Lane and home to sleepy-eyed mules eager to be fed, home to the warm farmhouse kitchen.
Barbara Mitchell's gentle, lyrical text and John Sandford's vibrant oil paintings, authentic in every detail, bring the Amish of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to readers of all ages.
From the dust jacket
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