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A version of Don Quixote which is appended to Mr. Walter Crane's illustrations needs perhaps no apology, but I desire to state briefly what I have endeavoured to do. No existing abridgement of Don Quixote, known to me, gives in simple narrative form the adventures of Knight and Squire, with as much of the wisdom and humour of their discourse as would be within the grasp of the younger generation of readers. This—The Story of Don Quixote, as I call it—I have tried to produce. In doing it I have made use of all the English translations, but the basis of this book is Thomas Shelton's translation, the language of which seems to me better to express the humour of Cervantes than any other. Many will consider such a task in the nature of sacrilege, or, at the best, verging on the impertinent. With these views I have much sympathy myself. But at least, let it be understood that all I have attempted to do is to tell a well-known story in print as one who loves it would seek to tell it in words, to those around his own fireside; in the hope that some may gather from this story that there is a vast storehouse of humour and wisdom awaiting them in the book itself.

From the dust jacket

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Judge Parry

Judge Parry

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Walter Crane

Walter Crane

1845 - 1915
In 1856 at the age of eleven, Walter Crane came to live in London with his family. He was a self-taught artist even as a boy, and he found many subjec... See more

Don Quixote of the Mancha Reprint

Don Quixote of the Mancha
Reprinted in 1999 by Everyman's Library
Available formats: Hardcover, Ebook
Series: Everyman's Library Children's Classics Members Only
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