Discovering Plants

Glenn O. Blough
Jeanne Bendick
1966 by Whittlesey House: A Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Science
Glenn Blough and Jeanne Bendick Nature Books
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Plants grow wherever there is soil and sunshine and rain. They grow in the city and they grow in the country. They grow in the south and in the north. If you like to look and observe, you can make many discoveries about plants. If you enjoy experimenting you can make still more.
In this new book, Dr. Blough tells his readers to begin their observations of plants down under the ground—where the roots are. He shows the reader what to look for and where to look. Then, from roots to stems, from leaves to flowers and seeds, he explains the function of each part of the plant and demonstrates how each section is important to the plant—and to human beings. He advises you scientists about the microscope and the magnifying glass, tools that will help them with their observations.
Jeanne Bendick's clear, sprightly drawings in two colours make everything more simple and more fun, too.
From the dust jacket
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