Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time

James Gurney
James Gurney
1992 by Tuttle Publishing
Dinotopia Members Only
Series Number: 1
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In 1860, when extensive uncharted territories covered a respectable portion of the globe, biologist Arthur Denison and his young son, Will, set out on a Darwinian voyage of exploration.
Somewhere on the expedition, Professor Denison and Will disappeared. Neither they nor anyone from their ship were heard from again—until very recently. It now appears that, through the kindly intervention of dolphins, they were transported to the lost island of Dinotopia, a land where dinosaurs and humans live together in peaceful interdependence. The dinosaurs appreciate the skills and liveliness of homo sapiens, and the humans benefit from the wisdom and gentleness of the very much older species.
The exciting, often spectacular, adventures of the Denisons in Dinotopia are chronicled here by the Professor. As a trained professional observer of the world's flora and fauna, he recorded his experiences in meticulous detail; otherwise it would be difficult to believe the astonishing discoveries he documented. His artistic skills allow the rich tapestry of Dinotopian life to emerge with graphic impact. He presents clearly the marvels of architecture designed for 50-ton organisms—aquatic cities, water-parks, treetowns, and other wonders, both natural and dinosaur/man-made.
Professor Denison details aspects of daily life, too: parades and celebrations, sports (some quite risky!), and foods. He tells of sleeping quarters suspended from trees; hatcheries (where humans tend dinosaur young) and playparks (where dinosaurs tend human young); and modes of transportation, including air travel on Quetzalcoatlus, known locally as Skybax. In short, he knows Dinotopia to be a marvelously fascinating place, offering adventure and excitement, as well as an extraordinary opportunity to gain insight into our own world and time from the Dinotopian point of view.
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Reviewed by Sara Masarik
James Gurney, author/illustrator/artist, is a wonderful storyteller and an even better magician with pictures. In the first four Dinotopia stories, we have large lap-size books which are lavishly illustrated and beautifully narrated. The story centers on a lost island that is protected by a magical reef. For reasons which become know by the end of the series, this particular island was immune from the apocalyptic events which eradicated the dinosaurs. Consequently, this island is still a dino paradise. More importantly, it is a place of symbiotic cultural blending. Over the centuries, when storms or calamities have wrecked ships travelling near the magical island, some passengers were rescued by dolphins and safely deposited on the shores of Dinotopia.
Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time
A sweet, visually attractive utopian fantasy about an island where humans and dinosaurs--not to mention mammoths, flying...
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