Dear Rebecca, Winter Is Here

Jean Craighead George
Loretta Krupinski
1993 by HarperCollins
Epistolary, Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Science
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On December 21, the shortest day of the year, a grandmother writes to her granddaughter Rebecca. "Winter is here," she writes, "but you can't touch it or serve it snacks." Yet winter makes its presence known in very tangible ways. As the earth follows its wide arc around the sun, the changes in the light dictate the changes of winter and signal to all the earth's creatures that it is time to migrate, hibernate, or insulate. For Rebecca, it is time to make angel wings in the snow, sing holiday songs, and look forward to the coming of spring.
Jean Craighead George captures the winter solstice in a simple, poetic letter. Loretta Krupinski's rich, vibrant paintings bring winter to life in all its splendor.
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