Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave

Laban Carrick Hill
Bryan Collier
2010 by Little, Brown & Company
Biography, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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To us
it is just dirt,
the ground we walk on. . . .
But to Dave
it was clay,
the plain and basic stuff
upon which he formed a life
as a slave nearly 200 years ago.Dave was an extraordinary artist, poet, and potter who lived in South Carolina in the 1800s. He combined his superb artistry with deeply observant poetry, carved onto his pots, transcending the limitations he faced as a slave. In this inspiring and lyrical portrayal, National Book Award Finalist Laban Carrick Hill and award-winning artist Bryan Collier tell Dave's remarkable story, one rich in history, hope, and long-lasting beauty.
From the dust jacket
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