Daniel Boone: Historic Adventures of an American Hunter Among The Indians

Esther Averill
Feodor Rojankovsky
1931 by Domino Press
Biography, Non-fiction
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When this distinguished book was first published by the Domino Press in Paris in 1931, it won acclaim from critics both in Europe and in America and was soon regarded as an international classic among modern picture books. The London Observer selected it as their choice among all the children's book of the season. Anne Carroll Moore, of the New York Public Library, said, in the Atlantic Monthly, that it "invests the Boone story with fresh life and provides a unique first book in American history," and Anne T. Eaton, in Reading With Children, called it "an arresting picture book not only for children but for art lovers of all ages."
We are very proud to publish this incomparable presentation of Daniel Boone in a new and enlarged edition. Miss Averill has somewhat expanded her exciting story of Daniel Boone's adventures among the Indians of North America, and all of Rojankovsky's pictures are here in the clear, brilliant colors of the Paris edition.
From the dust jacket of the 1945 First American Editiom
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