Come on Seabiscuit

Ralph Moody
Complete Authored Works
Robert Riger
1963 by Houghton Mifflin Company
Animal Story, History, Non-fiction
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He came from the most distinguished thoroughbred family in America, for his father was Hardtack and his grandfather was the famous Man O' War. But no one thought much of the knobby-kneed little colt they called Seabiscuit. His head was too big and his legs were too short; he grew more slowly than his playmates, and he was the outcast of their group. By the time he was two-years old, his owners had given up any hope for him.
But then, an old-time cowboy watched Seabiscuit race and saw in him the heart, courage, and gallant determination that are the marks of a truly great horse. Tom Smith and Seabiscuit had both had their share of hard luck, and more was to come their way. But as trainer and horse they were a perfect pair and with Jockey Red Pollard they were to make unforgettable history.
Here is a success story shadowed by heartbreak but alive with the same tingle that could bring a crowd to its feet shrieking and yelling "Come on, Seabiscuit!" For this champion of thoroughbreds inspired a warmth and affection both with his own "folks" and with horse lovers the world over that seemed to make his every race a matter or life or death.
Seabiscuit's story seems almost too dramatic to be true, but there it is in the records and in this retelling Ralph Moody, who has spent almost all his life on, or close to, horses, has slipped in a tremendous amount of information on the training, care, and handling of thoroughbreds.
From the dust jacket
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Seabiscuit, Family Friendly
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
Ralph Moody, author of the Little Britches books, is one of the greatest horse story tellers I have ever read. His passion for horses breathes a special kind of life into the stories he relates. Our family has loved many of his books, but this one has to be one of the best.
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