Christmas Trees and How They Grow

Glenn O. Blough
Jeanne Bendick
1961 by Whittlesey House: A Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Science
Glenn Blough and Jeanne Bendick Nature Books
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Who doesn't like a Christmas tree, whether it is in the living room or in the classroom, whether it is the National Community Christmas tree in our nation's capital or a driftwood tree in Hawaii?
But where do Christmas trees come from, what makes the best kind of Christmas tree, and what other uses do trees serve?
In this new science-nature book, Glenn Blough traces the growth of the Christmas tree from its beginning. He tells about forest tree nurseries and Christmas tree plantations, identifies various kinds of Christmas tress and explains the importance of the leaves, trunk, roots and other parts of the tree. He demonstrates the contribution Christmas trees make to men, plants, and animals; shows the needs of the tree; and discusses man's responsibilities in the care of the forest.
Jeanne Bendick's brightly colored, accurate pictures of Christmas trees make it possible to distinguish the balsam fir from the white pine or Douglas fir and other kinds of Christmas trees, and to understand the ways of the Christmas tree.
From the dust jacket
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