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Ten-year-old Michiko wants to be proud of her Japanese heritage but can't be.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, her family's possessions are confiscated and they are forced into deprivation in a small, insular community.  The men are sent to work on the railway, so the women and children are left to make the trip on their own.  After a former Asahi baseball star becomes her new teacher, life gets better.  Baseball fever hits town, and when Michiko challenges the adults to a game with her class, the whole town turns out.

Then the government announces that they must move once again. But they can't think of relocating with a new baby coming, even with the offer of free passage to Japan.  Michiko pretends to be her mother and writes to get a job for her father on a farm in Ontario.  When he is accepted, they again pack their belongings and head to a new life in Ontario.

From the back of the book


Jennifer Maruno

Jennifer Maruno

Born in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Jennifer came from a book-loving family.  She worked as a library helper during her summers of public school.&n... See more

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