Celtic Fairy Tales

John D. Batten
Joseph Jacobs
1892 by David Nutt (London)
Anthology, Fables, Fairy Tales, Fiction, Folk Tales, Read Aloud
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Before a peat fire in countless Irish cottages there have been told for generations some of the gayest, most fanciful, and most sparkling folk tales that ever caused young eyes to grow brighter and young hearts to beat faster. In this volume are twenty-six of the most popular of these stories, each one richly endowed with all the magic and charm, all the humor and color of the vivid Irish imagination.
These stories, some of them more than a thousand years old, are as fascinating today as they were when Connla of the Fiery Hair, the Horned Women, and Conall Yellowclaw roamed Irish field and forest.
With forty-five unusual pictures by John D. Batten.
From the dust jacket of the Folk and Fairy Tales from Many Lands reprint
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