Carlos, Light the Farolito

Jean Ciavonne
Donna Clair
1995 by Clarion Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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Carlos Castillo is waiting for his parents and his grandfather to come home. It's Christmas Eve, the final night of Las Posadas—a community dramatization of the birth of Jesus. Grandfather will sing the traditional words of the innkeeper who refuses shelter to Mary and Joseph, then relents and allows them to enter. And all the neighbors will come into the Castillos' home for a party.
Carlos loves the celebration and the little ceremony of lighting the farol, the tin and glass lantern that will guide the pilgrims to his door. But tonight as darkness falls he's more worried than excited. Where are Mama and Papa and Grandfather?
The centuries-old tradition of Las Posadas forms the backdrop for a suspenseful, satisfying story filled with the Christmas spirit.
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