
Bill Peet
Bill Peet
1966 by Houghton Mifflin Company
Animal Story, Memoir, Non-fiction
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Bill Peet, who is well known for his fanciful animal stories has now told a story about an unusual, but very real, animal who actually lived with the Peet family. With Capyboppy this talented author-illustrator has proved that not only is he a master of black-white illustration, but that his truth is every bit as much fun as his fiction.
Young Bill had always shared his room with wild creatures ranging from turtles to tarantulas. By the time he reached college age his ideas had also grown, and when he announced that he could get a boa at a bargain, his parents immediately protested. So when Bill suggested a capybara instead it sounded like a fine compromise.
One day Bill drove home with his new young friend—a large, tailless rodent straight from the Amazon jungles who would, in time, weigh 200 pounds. The animal waddled straight for the house, making "tweetle-tweet" sounds and twitching his tiny mouse-like ears. With a "crunch" on a wicker chair and a "chomp" on a handbag strap, itw as evident that the capybara was not a household pet; but it seemed that the backyard was an ideal spot for him, at least at first.
By the middle of the summer the affectionate name Capyboppy seemed a bit ridiculous since the animal had tripled in size and weighed seventy-five pounds—and he was still growing! Not only was Capy a very spoiled member of the family, but an increasingly stubborn one. It soon became apparent that the rodent had outgrown both his family and his living quarters and some sort of solution had to be found.
Surely Capyboppy will have his own very unique place in the popular Peet parade, and he'll keep right in step with a "waddle and a tweetle-tweet."
From the dust jacket
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