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Mis' Lela was my mama's friend. When Mama went to work I stayed with her. Sometimes I cried. I didn't want Mama to leave me. Mis' Lela said, "Come 'ere, Sugar Plum, and sit on Mis' Lela's lap. I'm gonna wipe those dewdrops off your cheeks."

A child's days are filled with hellos and goodbyes, and children quickly learn that most leave-takings are temporary. But some are final. This tender, vibrant, life-affirming picture book shows that loving and remembering go hand in hand, and that even when a loved one dies, there is no such thing as a last goodbye.

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Dorothy Carter

Dorothy Carter

1918 - 2012
Dorothy Carter is a retired teacher from the Bank Street College of Education in New York City, where she still teaches occasionally as adjunct prof... See more
Harvey Stevenson

Harvey Stevenson

1960 -
Harvey Stevenson is a freelance illustrator, art director, and graphic designer. The more than twenty books for young readers that he has illustrate... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

Bye, Mis' Lela
This hushed book about life and death, arrivals and departures, and hellos and good-byes, is so reflective and subdued it feels as if it should be read aloud in a whisper...

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