Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci

Joseph D'Agnese
John O'Brien
2010 by Henry Holt & Company
Biography, Fiction, Math, Picture Books
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As a young boy in medieval Italy, Leonardo Fibonacci though about numbers day and night. He was such a daydreamer that people called him a blockhead.
When Leonardo grew up and traveled the world, he was inspired by the numbers used in different countries, especially the Hindu-Arabic numerals he learned about in Africa. Then he realized that many things in nature seem to follow a certain pattern. The boy who was once teased for being a blockhead had discovered what came to be known as the Fibonacci Sequence!
Today Leonardo Fibonacci is famous for his simple word problem about multiplying rabbits and is now considered one of the greatest Western mathematicians of all time. This is his story, the tale of a man who was most certainly not a blockhead.
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Blockhead: the Life of Fibonacci
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
Blockhead, a picture book biography, is a step beyond Swirl by Swirl, but combines the wonders of math with the history of discovery. The author starts with the few known facts about Fibonacci’s life and tells a compelling tale of a boy who notices things other people don’t who becomes a man who never outgrows his insatiable curiosity.
Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci
Few people will know this man's name, but the book will be a boon to math teachers, homeschoolers and others piqued by the title.
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