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The White Roses were three: Bill Bergson, master detective; Anders, his faithful assistant; and the cocky, reckless Eva-Lotta. Their running skirmish with the Red Roses was in full swing that summer. It was a friendly battle that involved secret meetings, conspiracies, cryptic notes, midnight encounters, and all the intrigues that one would expect of an honest-to-goodness mystery. The White Roses were prepared to tackle anything the Red Roses could offer. But little did they know that fateful "Night of the Long Knives," that they were about to experience the most adventurous undertaking of their young lives.

Something happened that night that wasn't "make believe" — a kidnapping. From behind a bush, the White Roses watched in horror as Professor Anders, the Swedish scientist, and his young son, Eric, were forced into a car by two men.

Quick thinking was needed. "I'm going with them," said Eva-Lotta. "If they kidnap Eric, they must kidnap me too."

And so began a wild game of hide-and-seek that took Bill and Anders to a deserted island to rescue Eva-Lotta, the professor, and Eric who were held prisoners by enemy agents.

Don Freeman's illustrations are so right, you feel sure he must have been a White Rose himself at one time!

From the dust jacket
Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren

1907 - 2002
Astrid Lindgren was born in Sweden. After college she worked in a newspaper office and a Swedish publishing house. Pippi Longstocking was originally... See more
Don Freeman

Don Freeman

1908 - 1978
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