Between Us and Abuela

Mitali Perkins
Sara Palacios
2019 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fiction, Picture Books
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It's nearly Christmas in California.
Maria and her little brother, Juan, are headed south to the border with Mexico to visit their grandmother.
They are excited to celebrate Las Posadas with her, honoring Mary and Joseph's journey to the inn at Bethlehem. Maria has knitted Abuela a scarf, and Juan has drawn her a picture.
But when Juan's gift won't fit through the tiny spaces in the border fence—barely big enough for little fingers to touch—Maria launches a cunning plan, using creativity and hope.
Mitali Perkins's debut picture book offers the best kind of Christmas story—one of love, family, travel, and miracles—with simple language and abundant feeling. Pura Belpre Honor illustrator Sara Palacios illuminates the heart of this story with her sun-soaked vistas and warm, smiling faces of excited families. Here is the perfect tribute to how little gifts of love can span great distances.
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