Beni's First Chanukah

Jane Breskin Zalben
Jane Breskin Zalben
1988 by Henry Holt & Company
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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On the first morning of Chanukah, Beni the bear eagerly prepares for the evening's festivities. He cooks latkes and doughnuts with his family. He plays in the snow with his sister Sara. Later, he visits his friends the squirrels, Sasha and Christopher, and helps them decorate their beautiful Christmas tree.
That night, Sasha and Christopher join Beni's family as they light the menorah, listen to the story of Chanukah, sing songs, and spin the dreidel. When the presents are opened, Sasha and Christopher get a bag full of chocolate "gold" coins, and Beni gets "just what he always wanted."
Jane Breskin Zalben's simple, poignant story and soft, pastel-colored illustrations capture all the warmth and joy of this timeless celebration.
From the dust jacket
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