B is for Betsy

Carolyn Haywood
Carolyn Haywood
1939 by Harcourt, Brace and Company
Carolyn Haywood's Betsy Series
Series Number: 1
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The first day at school is a big event in the life of a six-year-old, and this story of Betsy begins on just that important occasion. Betsy started in the first grade of a big city school, a large and frightening place on the first terrible day. But soon everything was different. Exciting and interesting things happened and Betsy grew to love going to school.
This is the story of her whole first year—filled with the small but momentous incidents of the classroom, the funny and serious experiences any first-grader might have. Betsy and her friends are typical American children, and their doings in school and out will be of great interest to children of the same age.
The pictures are as important as the text. There are 52 of them, and little girls will see themselves and their friends in these charming natural illustrations.
From the dust jacket of a later printing
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"B" is for Betsy
Reprinted in 2004 by Harcourt, Inc
Available formats: Hardcover, Paperback
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B is for Betsy
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
I read B is for Betsy by the morning campfire with two cups of coffee. It is a perfect book. Perfect. I did not want to put it down, and I kept reading scenes aloud to my family. There is one scene with a dog that is utter perfection. (There I go using that word again…)
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