At That Time: The Memoirs of Robert Lawson

Robert Lawson
Complete Authored Works
Robert Lawson
Complete Authored Works
1947 by Viking Press Inc
Memoir, Non-fiction
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Here are Robert Lawson's amusing and quizzical memories of himself as a small boy. He is easily recognizable to anyone who knows him, and readers who were children in suburban neighborhoods thirty or forty years ago will immediately develop a nostalgia for those days. The chapter on kite flying, in particular, has a charm comparable to Kenneth Grahame's in Dream Days and The Golden Age.
"When the sun had gone down," Rob Lawson writes, "and twilight was darkening our world, my kite still shoe brilliant gold in the sunlight of the upper air. It was still in yesterday; for us the day had done, and this always seemed a wonderful thing to me, one that almost made credible that ridiculous obsession of my teachers that the world was round . . ."
Delightful drawings add to the quality and reality of the book.
From the dust jacket
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