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When April's cat, Sheba, had three kittens, April's father pointed out that four cats in a New York apartment were three cats too many. April might keep which ever one she wanted most. But the other three would have to be given away. For, said her father, theirs was strictly a one-cat apartment.

April's choice was a difficult one. For how was it possible to choose? She wanted to keep the black kitten, Charcoal. But she also wanted to keep tiger-striped Butch. And she particularly couldn't bear to part with sweet little Brenda with the white face. And certainly she couldn't think of losing darling Sheba. What to do? April's problem and its final, supremely happy solution, make a story that all children will love. And the pictures are as enchanting as those in Mrs. Newberry's first book, "Mitten," of which the New York Times said: "The very best cat pictures that have ever been made."

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Clare Turlay Newberry

Clare Turlay Newberry

1903 - 1970
Clare Turlay Newberry was born in Enterprise, Oregon. Before she was two years old she had begun to draw, and by the time she was six she had decide... See more

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April's Kittens by Clare Turlay Newerry
Reviewed by Sherry Early
April's family lives in a small “one-cat apartment” because “nobody has much room in New York because so many people are trying to live there at the same time.” That certainly sounds like present day New York City. And when Sheba has three kittens, April’s daddy says that they can only keep one cat, either Sheba or one of the kittens. The remainder of the story is about what happens to Sheba and her kittens, Charcoal, Butch, and Brenda.

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