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A small child can have no gayer introduction to the letters of the alphabet than Fritz Eichenberg, long known as one of our most distinguished graphic artists, has here provided. The simple nonsense rhymes for each picture are readily absorbed by children who are stimulated in turn to make up more of their own. The bold, colorful pictures have humor and beauty, and draw the reader back to them again and again. Who can resist the "Bear in despair," trying to ward off a swarm of bees whose honeycomb he has disturbed, the braggadocio "Hare at the fair" who is doing his turn as a circus barker, or the "Rat with a bat," so obviously a big-league hitter? This is the first book for which Mr. Eichenberg has done the text as well as the pictures, a memorable event, and it will be treasured not only by children but by their grown-up friends as well.

From the dust jacket

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Fritz Eichenberg

Fritz Eichenberg

1901 - 1990
Born in Cologne, Germany, in 1901, Fritz Eichenberg started as a lithographer's apprentice. He studied at the Academy of Graphic Arts in Leipzig und... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

Ape in a Cape
Laughable but more for slow chuckles than hearty guffaws...

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