Anne's House of Dreams

First American 1917 Frederick A. Stokes edition
Lucy Maud Montgomery
1917 by McClelland & Stewart, Ltd. (Toronto)
Classic Literature, Fiction
Anne of Green Gables Members Only
Series Number: 5
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Anne Shirley, Miss Montgomery's lovable heroine, finds that the home Gilbert has selected for her in Four Winds Harbour is just what she has always dreamed a house should be. Their married life in this "house of dreams" is marked by happiness, friendship of interesting neighbors and some exciting and deeply moving events. And what neighbors they have! Miss Cornelia, whose tongue is never so sharp as when talking of men and their faults; Captain Jim, the hardy old lighthouse keeper; the beautiful Leslie Moore, and even the aristocratic, long-haired Marshall Elliot, all come under Anne's spell. Anne's romance in not the only one. She and Miss Cornelia help toward the happy outcome of another that brightens the story.
Gaiety, common sense and happiness pervade the novel. It deals with simple life, wholesome and good, about which Miss Montgomery writes with enthusiasm and our of a whole heart.
From the dust jacket of an early Grosset and Dunlap edition
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Anne's House of Dreams
Reprinted in 2023 by SeaWolf Press
Available formats: Hardcover, Paperback
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