Andrew Jackson and The Battle of New Orleans

Dee Alexander Brown
Cover Artist:
Gerry Contreras
Earl Schenck Miers
1972 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Simultaneously published by:
Longman Canada Limited, Toronto
History, Military, Non-fiction
American Battles and Campaigns
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The Battle of New Orleans was the final act in a drama that began long before it was fought. When General Andrew Jackson led his soldiers against the Creek Indians under Red Eagle, he knew that the enemy basically was the British, who had armed the Creeks and set them against the American frontier settlements. Dee Brown, author of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, begins his vivid historical account with the Battle of Horseshoe Bend between Creeks and white Americans. Dramatic events lead one with a sense of mounting excitement to the climax—the last battle fought between British and Americans.
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