An Orange for Frankie

Patricia Polacco
Patricia Polacco
2004 by Philomel Books
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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The Stowell farmhouse is bursting at the seams with holiday spirit, and Frankie, the youngest boy, is the most excited of all. He's going to be the angel in the church pageant this year!
But there's a cloud over the joyous season: Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and Pa hasn't returned yet form his trip to Lansing. He promised to bring back the Christmas oranges for the mantelpiece. Every year there are nine of them nestled among the evergreens, one for each of the children. But this year, heavy snows might mean no oranges...and, worse, no Pa! Will Christmas really be Christmas this year?
Patricia Polacco brings another chapter of her family history to life in this timeless holiday story.
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