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Lachie MacLachlan, the generous hero of this enchanting picture book, is the delightful exception to the rule that the Scots are a thrifty lot.

To his "wee house in the heather" where he lives with his wife and ten children, the good-natured Lachie invites every traveler who passes on a stormy night, assuring all that "there's always room for one more."

Tinkers, tailors, shepherds, even dogs—sing and dance the night away until, alas, the rafters groan and the walls of his hospitable little home bulge to the bursting point.

But Lachie's kindness is repaid. Just how his grateful guests eventually say a wonderful "thank-you" provides a delightfully warm ending to this lilting narrative.

The story, derived from an old Scottish nursery tale, is reflected superbly in the gay illustrations of Nonny Hogrogian.

From the dust jacket

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Sorche Nic Leodhas

Sorche Nic Leodhas

Pseudonym for Leclaire Alger

1898 - 1969
Sorche Nic Leodhas (1898–1969) was born LeClaire Louise Gowans in Youngstown, Ohio. After the death of her first husband, she moved to New Yor... See more
Nonny Hogrogian

Nonny Hogrogian

Nonny Hogrogian started her career as a book designer, but soon began illustrating her own books. She gained rapid recognition and won the Caldecott... See more

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Always Room for One More
Reviewed by Sherry Early
In the story song, householder Lachie MacLachlan welcomes all of the travelers who pass by his door to come in and rest a while, saying . . .

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