Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics

Robert Gilmore
1995 by Copernicus
Adult Fiction, Fiction, Non-fiction, Science
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Hurry, hurry, hurry! Seep right up! Welcome to Quantumland! Fall into an atom and dodge electrons! See the amazing Emperor think his clothes into existence! Dance with the Three Quark Brothers at the Particle MASSquerade! All you need is a sense of adventure—no mathematics required!
Alice in Quantumland is Robert Gilmore's amazing fantasy ride through the landscape of quantum physics—the interrelated group of theories on the nature of subatomic particles that modern scientists use to explain the physical universe. Through the allegory of Alice's adventures and encounters, Gilmore makes the essential features of the quantum world clear and accessible. It is a thrilling introduction to some essential, often difficult-to-grasp concepts about the world we inhabit.
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