Aaron and the Green Mountain Boys

Patricia Lee Gauch
Margot Tomes
1972 by Longman Canada Limited, Toronto
Fiction, Historical Fiction
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It was the summer of 1777, and the small town of Bennington, Vermont, was roused in the middle of the night. The British redcoats had just captured Fort Ticonderoga. Now they were on their way to take supplies stored near Bennington!
Nine-year-old Aaron Robinson could not contain his excitement. He pictured himself bravely running through the lines with messages for the generals, or heroically guarding his grandfather's tavern, or even taking part in a battle with the Green Mountain Boys. But whenever he eagerly offered his services, he was told to help his grandfather bake bread for the soldiers instead-pretty tame work for a boy who could shoot a blackbird at 100 paces.
Patricia Lee Gauch tells this Revolutionary War tale based on a true story with simplicity and humor, and illustrations by Margot Tomes bring the period and characters to life for young history fans.
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