A Walk in the Rain

Ursel Scheffler
Ulises Wensell
Original title:
Spatzen Brauchen keinen Schirm
Original language:
Andrea Mernan
1986 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Fiction, Nature, Picture Books
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When Josh is given a bright yellow raincoat and hat and a pair of shiny rubber boots, he's ready to go for a walk in the rain with his grandmother. Together they splash through puddles, explore nearby woods, count sprouting mushrooms, and learn where the birds go when it rains. And when they get home, they discover that while it's fun to walk in the rain, there are special things to do inside on a stormy day as well.
Ulises Wensell's watercolor illustrations capture the dreamy feeling of a gentle shower and make this story perfect for rainy-day reading.
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