A Seed Is Sleepy

Dianna Hutts Aston
Sylvia Long
2007 by Chronicle Books
Nature, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Science
Dianna Hutts Aston Nature Books
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Award-winners Sylvia Long and Dianna Hutts Aston have teamed up again to create this gorgeous and informative introduction to seeds. From tiny redwood seeds to giant coconut seeds, from bright red-orange mountain laurel seeds to pods of fluffy milkweed seeds, an incredible variety of seeds are celebrated in all their beauty and wonder.
Poetic in voice and elegant in design, the book introduces children to an intriguing array of seed and plant information. The evocative text is sure to inspire lively questions and observations, making this a fascinating guide that is equally at home being read to a child on a parent's lap as in a classroom reading circle.
From the dust jacket
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