Andy and the Lion

James Daugherty
James Daugherty
1938 by The Viking Press
Fiction, Humor, Picture Books
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From a smile to a chuckle on every page!
Andy and the Lion is a picture book with a real build-up that you will enjoy most if you begin at the beginning and let the story build for itself page by page, from "a bright day with just enough wind to float a flag" when Andy went to the library to get a book about lions, on through the whole hilarious story to the end.
Of course James Daugherty read Androclus and the Lion when he was young. He probably read it in Fifty Famous Stories Retold, along with millions of other small boys and girls. But only one of all those millions could remember and transmute that story with the inner eye of an American youngster and put it down on paper with such clipt text and spontaneous and irresistible pictures of lion and boy.
A very human story—masterly drawings—a phase of American humor at its best—gay exaggeration quite aware of itself and enjoying it thoroughly!
From the dust jacket
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