26 Fairmont Avenue

Tomie dePaola
Tomie dePaola
1999 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
26 Fairmont Avenue Books
Series Number: 1
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The "Big Hurricane of 1938" roars into town....the first day of school takes an unexpected turn for Tomie.... so does Mr. Walt Disney's Snow White, the movie everyone had been waiting to see.
All of these events (and more) happened to young Tomie dePaola during the year his family went through the ups-and-downs of building their house at 26 Fairmount Avenue. Adventures with the neighborhood kids and his wonderfully funny extended family will have young readers ready for a first chapter book racing from one episode to the next. Many will recognize favorite characters from his picture books-Nana Upstairs, Nana Down-stairs, Tom, and Tomie himself.
Funny, dramatic, and memorable moments combined with lively illustrations will make everyone wish they had grown up in the dePaola family.
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